-------------------- s- + classifying verb -- to lie, be in a position ----------------------

Ok, so it's actually not a "word," but a pattern from which several words can be formed...


  Cahto, like the other Athabaskan languages, has a number of verb stems that indicate the type of object that is involved. Then the prefixes to the verb stem indicate what kind of action (or inaction) is involved (e.g. picking up, carrying around, putting up on a surface, etc.). These verbs are referred to as "classifying verbs."

  One of the most common forms for these verbs to be found in is the stative. The stative indicates that an object is lying in a position, or is "there." This form is made by adding the prefix s- to the stem of the classifying verb. Here are a few of the common stative verbs:

  s'aang -- it lies/sits, it is there (of a single solid, three-dimensional object, such as a rock)
  slaa, slai -- 1. it lies/sits, it is there (of a single flexible, one-dimensional object, such as a rope)
        2. they lie/sit, they are there (of plural objects large enough to be counted, such as sticks)
  skaang -- it lies/sits, it is there (of a container full of liquid, such as a pot)
  stiing -- it lies/sits, it is there (of a single living animal, including human)


  s'aang like "s - ONG" or "S'ONG" (Listen)
  slaa like "s - LAW" or "SLAW" (Listen)
  slai like "s - LIE" or "SLY" (Listen)
  skaang like "s - KONG" or "SKONG" (Listen)
  stiing like "s - TING" or "STIING" (Listen)


  Classifying verbs as a class, and most of the individual classifying verbs, are found throughout the Athapascan languages. These stative forms are virtually identical to those in many Athabascan languages from Alaska to Nunavut to New Mexico.


  It can be hard for English speakers to adjust to a classifying verb system like that in Cahto, but the trick is to not be scared of it, and remember that it is a highly logical system. Most objects pretty clearly fall into only one or two possible classes. So to produce stative verbs, or active verbs based on handling the object you need only add the appropriate prefixes (which are also logical) to the appropriate verb stem. Some examples of use of the four stative verbs just introduced are:

  See s'aang. There is a rock. or A rock is sitting there.
  Beelhchow slai. There is a rope. or A rope is lying there.
  Too skaang. There is some water (in a container). or A container of water is sitting there.
  Kiits'aa' skaang. There is a basket-pot (with liquid in it). or A basket-pot (with liquid in it) is sitting there.
  Slis stiing. There is a ground squirrel lying there. or A ground squirrel is lying there.

Related languages:

  Wailaki: s'aang, slee, skaang, stiing
  Lassik: s'aang, slaa/slei, skaang, stiing
  Sinkyone: s'aang, slaa/slai, skaang, stiing
  Mattole: sa'a:n, silai, skxa:n, sitxe:n
  Hupa: sa'a:n, silay, sixa:n, site:n

Sally Anderson
Cahto Language Home Page: http://www.turtlenodes.com/calath/caindex.html