-------------------- see -- stone, rock ----------------------
see -- stone, rock; metal, iron, steel
Like "SEH" or "SAY" (Listen)
see is from an earlier form tsee, the basic word for rock
present with only slight modification in almost all Athabaskan
languages (Alaska to New Mexico).
See refers to any rock, stone, boulder, or rock formation.
See now also refers to iron, steel and other metals since their introduction in the 19th century.
See is also sometimes used in the names of hills and
mountains. For example:
Seenchaagh, "Big Rock" (Big Rock, northwest of
Seelhgai, "White Rock" (White Rock, east of
Kwonteelhbii' (Long Valley) and Laytonville)
See was a very useful material to the Naahneesh. From
different types of stone they made arrowheads; knives; stones for
boiling; mortar slabs for pounding seeds; grinders for carving wood,
bone, antlers, and soft stone; scrapers for cleaning hides; mauls for
driving elk antler wedges and chisels; and various other
In the Naahneesh cosmology the sky is a large flat slab of
sandstone supported by four stone pillars with openings on each side
through which each of the four winds pass, and east-west paths to the
north and south for the summer and winter progression of the sun. One
of the stories from Bill Ray describes the repair/remaking of this
structure when the stone had become old. Unfortunately I have not
entered and edited the Cahto for this story yet, but you can read
Goddard's translation:
Creation (http://thunder.prohosting.com/~bintcbil/cgi-bin/text2htmlonline.cgi?storynum=2.html)
Related Languages:
Lassik, Nongatl, Sinkyone, Wailaki: see
Mattole: se:
Hupa: tse
Sally Anderson
Cahto Language Home Page: