-------------------- Tintaahding -- Laytonville, California ----------------------

Tintaahding -- Laytonville, California

  Like "tun - TAHH - dung" (Listen)


  tinii means "road, path, trail." (Listen)
  -taah is a postposition meaning "among."
  -ding is a suffix meaning "where, place" often used with place names, especially names of villages and campsites.
  Thus, Tintaahding means literally "Place Among the Trails."


  Laytonville, California is where the Naahneesh have largely been settled since the early part of this century, at a rancheria just west of the town.

  It is likely that the name "Tintaahding" refers specifically to the town of Laytonville, as opposed to any former village-site contained in what has become Laytonville, since the name does not appear in any of the lists of place names of the Naahneesh.
Related Languages:

  Hupa: tin-tah "out in the woods, in the forest, back country" (literally "among the trails")

Sally Anderson
Cahto Language Home Page: http://www.turtlenodes.com/calath/caindex.html