-------------------- ts'inteelh -- turtle ----------------------
ts'inteelh -- turtle
Like "TS'UN - taythl" (Listen)
-Ts'in- means "bone."
Nteelh means "it is wide."
Thus, ts'inteelh means "bone that is wide" or "wide
This compound word for turtle is common to many Athapascan
Ts'inteelh originally would have referred to the only species of turtle found in Naahneesh country, the Western Pond Turtle (Clemmys marmorata) (pictures and info at California Turtle and Tortoise Club). In recent years introduced species from the eastern U.S. have largely supplanted this native western species, but the name ts'inteelh would probably be applied to any species of turtle as a general name, as it is in other languages.
Ts'inteelh is the main character in at least two Naahneesh stories*:
Turtle's Exploit
How Turtle Escaped
Copper Lake is called Ts'inteelhtoobii', literally "turtle-water-in it." (Listen)
Related Languages:
Lassik: s'inteelh
Nongatl, Wailaki: ts'inteelh
Sinkyone: ts'inteelh, s'inteelh
Mattole: degalhsoolh
Hupa: ts'in-tehL
* If url's for stories don't work for you, try going to the story index
Sally Anderson
Cahto Language
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