-------------------- yiist'oot' -- fog, mist ----------------------
yiist'oot' -- fog, mist
Like "yeese - T'OT'E" (Listen)
In one of the Naahneesh stories of the Creation, Ch'eeneesh
(= Thunder, God) and Naaghaichow (= Great Wanderer, Trickster) make
fires along the creek bottoms to create yiist'oot'.
Associated words:
yiighint'oot' -- it is foggy (Listen)
taayiistaan -- it (fog) came up (from the water) (Listen)
noo'intaan -- it (fog) spread along the ground (Listen)
hiighitiilh -- it (fog) came (Listen)
tghingits' -- it (fog) swirled (Listen)
Related Languages:
Sinkyone: yiist'ooh
Lassik, Wailaki: too'aah (lit. "water cloud")
Mattole: ist'o'l
Hupa: misjeh (fog, mist, light haze)
Sally Anderson
Cahto Language
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