image from Armstrong, 1915, Field Book of Western Wild Flowers
What is it?
- Kaal'ai aant'ee. It is a plant.
- Ch'daayee kwt'iing. It has flowers.
- Uudaayee' nchaagh. Its flowers are large.
- Nlaa'-bii'k' kwaanchaagh. They are as big as the palm of your hand.
- Uudaayee'-taah wang ch'isai'tcing kwaalhtsow. Among its flowers some are blue like a scrub jay.
- Wang kwosh kwaalhtsow. Some are purple like a blackberry.
- Wang ch'ts'oo' kwaalhgai. Some are white like milk.
- Uut'aang' tl'oh kwaalhtsow. Its leaves are green like grass.
- Ngaanee' kwaanees--ooleeng. They may be as long as your arm.
What do they do with it?
- Uut'aam'-milh Naahneesh ninch'it' tc'ilhtcii. With its leaves the Cahto make string.
- Uut'aang' uuch'oots'ee' lheetc'dis. They twist together its leaves' fiber (literally "sinew").
- Ninch'it'--bilh lheenee'haa' tc'ilhtcii. With the string they make all kinds of things.
- Bilh beelh lhaan lhtaahkii tc'ilhtcii. With it they make many kinds of rope.
- Beelhchow, beelh, bilhteegot, bilhtcing yaa'lhtcii. They make large ropes, ropes, net ropes, and cord.
- Bilh noo'aang naa'ch'itl'oo. With it they set snares.
- Bilh ch'kaak', ch'kaak'-bii'-naat'ai tc'ilhtcii. With it they make nets and surffish dipnets.
- Bilh ch'eelee' tc'ilhtcii. With it they make a musical bow.
- Bilh lhaalaabii'-naaghilai tc'lii. With it they tie feather cloaks.
- Sii'-bii'-s'aan ninch'it'--bilh tc'ilhtl'oo. They weave head-nets with the string.
- Bilh daabii'-teelbil tc'ilhtcii. They make acorn buzzers with it.
Different kinds of Iris
- Naahneesh--taah ch'ghaats'ee' lhtaahkii naakaa' aant'ee. There are two kinds of iris in Cahto country.
- Ch'ghaats'ee' uukaasee' nees, uuch'oots'ee' lhaang. The iris with a tall stalk has many fibers.
- Uut'aang' uuch'oots'ee' yiibaan-naakaanaakaa' kwaalhaang. Its leaf's fibers are as many as nine.
- Ch'ghaats'ee' uukaasee' ntcwoltc uuch'oots'ee' lhaa'haa', naakaa' lhaakwaa. The iris with a short stalk's fibers are one or two only.